Vishwas Rao [Shahid Kapoor], an aspiring actor, who aims to make it big in Bollywood. However, a chance encounter with Kajal [Ileana D'Cruz] and Vishwas, who is dressed up as a cop, is mistaken to be a cop in real life. What ensues is a series of crazy escapades which turns Vishwas’ life upside down. in the process he falls in love with a social worker Kajal and also ends up in a crime boss’ net.
Vishwas Rao [Shahid Kapoor], an aspiring actor, who aims to make it big in Bollywood. However, a chance encounter with Kajal [Ileana D'Cruz] and Vishwas, who is dressed up as a cop, is mistaken to be a cop in real life. What ensues is a series of crazy escapades which turns Vishwas’ life upside down. in the process he falls in love with a social worker Kajal and also ends up in a crime boss’ net.
Movie info:
Genre:[....................] Comedy
IMDB rating:[....................] 7.6/10
Directed by:[....................] Rajkumar Santoshi
Starring: [....................]Shahid Kapoor, Ileana, Padmini Kolhapure, Darshan Jariwala
Release Name: [....................]Phata Poster Nikla Hero (2013) 1CD X264 HD Cam RIP (cleaned)
Size:[....................] 696 MB
IMDB rating:[....................] 7.6/10
Directed by:[....................] Rajkumar Santoshi
Starring: [....................]Shahid Kapoor, Ileana, Padmini Kolhapure, Darshan Jariwala
Release Name: [....................]Phata Poster Nikla Hero (2013) 1CD X264 HD Cam RIP (cleaned)
Size:[....................] 696 MB
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